JD's Regents Prep, which started at a kitchen table by two educators, now offers a total of 8 great books, all with QR Codes. The QR code once scanned will show a YouTube video working out the solution to every problem in the book. Titles include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, SAT, ACT, Chemistry, Earth Science and Living Environment.
All About JD's PREP
James & Danielle, husband and wife team, started JD's Regents Preparation at their kitchen table back in 2003. It was an exciting adventure, creating, printing, folding and stapling books as they received orders. It was an idea James developed while he was a high school student, topically organizing exams just made sense! They started with 3 books Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. Their goal was to help students be better prepared to pass their exams.
As they continued to grow they could not handle the quantity of books ordered and wanted to provide a more professional look so they decided to hire an outside printer. They are constantly improving their products and continue to add new titles to their catalog.
The most exciting change came when they decided to add a QR Code to every problem in their books. When the QR Code is scanned it leads the student to a YouTube video working out the solution.
JD's Regents Prep now offers a total of 8 great books, all with QR Codes. The new ones added to their catalog include SAT, ACT, Chemistry, Earth Science and Living Environment.
James is a math professor at a local community college. Danielle teaches first grade at the elementary school she attended. They live in New York with their two sons and their beagle Lucy.